2016 |
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Water-floating nanohybrid films of layered titanate–graphene for sanitization of algae without secondary pollution
I. Y. Kim, J. M. Lee, E. -H. Hwang, Y. -R. Pei, W. -B. Jin, J. -H. Choy, and S. -J. Hwang*
RSC Adv.,
6 (100), 98528-98535,
2016/10/10, Royal Society of Chemistry, published
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Exfoliated metal oxide nanosheets as effective and applicable substrates for atomically dispersed metal nanoparticles with tailorable functionalities
J. Seo, X. Jin, M. Kim, I. Y. Kim, Y. K. Jo, S. Bera, N. -S. Lee, W. I. Lee, H. Kim, and S. -J. Hwang*
Adv. Mater. Interfaces,
3 (20), 1600661-1600670,
2016/09/07, Wiley VCH, published
9 |
A chemical bath deposition route to facet-controlled Ag₃PO₄ thin films with improved visible light photocatalytic activity
J. L. Gunjakar, Y. K. Jo, I. Y. Kim, J. M. Lee, S. B. Patil, J. -C. Pyun, and S. -J. Hwang*
J. Solid State Chem.,
240, 115-121,
2016/08, Elsevier Sciences, published
8 |
A conductive hybridization matrix of RuO₂ two-dimensional nanosheets: a hybrid-type photocatalyst
J. M. Lee, E. K. Mok, S. Lee, N. -S. Lee, L. Debbichi, H. Kim, and S. -J. Hwang*
Angew. Chem. Int'l Ed.,
55(30), 8546-8550,
2016/07/18, Wiley VCH, published
7 |
Effective chemical route to 2D nanostructured silicon electrode material: phase transition from exfoliated clay nanosheet to porous Si nanoplate
K. Adpakpang, S. B. Patil, S. M. Oh, J. -H. Kang, M. Lacroix, and S. -J. Hwang*
Electrochim. Acta,
204, 60-68,
2016/06/20, Elsevier Sciences, published
6 |
Superior additive of exfoliated RuO₂ nanosheet for optimizing the electrode performance of metal oxide over graphene
S. Lee, X. Jin, I. Y. Kim, T. -H. Gu, J. -W. Choi, S. Nahm, and S. -J. Hwang*
J. Phys. Chem. C,
120(22), 11786-11796,
2016/05/23, American Chemical Society, published
5 |
Unusually huge charge storage capacity of Mn₃O₄–graphene nanocomposite achieved by incorporation of inorganic nanosheets
K. Adpakpang, X. Jin, S. Lee, S. M. Oh, N. -S. Lee, and S. -J. Hwang*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,
8(21), 13360-13372,
2016/04/27, American Chemical Society, published
2 |
Electrophoretic deposition of Ca2Nb3O10− nanosheets synthesized by soft-chemical exfoliation
S. H. Kwon, M. Im, W. H. Lee, S. Nahm, J. -W. Choi, and S. -J. Hwang
J. Mater. Chem. C,
4 (1), 178-184,
2016/01, Royal Society of Chemistry, published
1 |
Analysis of benzylpenicillin in milk using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with top-down synthesized TiO₂ nanowires as the solid matrix
J. -I. Kim, J. -M. Park, J. -Y. Noh, S. -J. Hwang, M.-J. Kang, and J. -C. Pyun*
143, 64-70,
2016/01, Elsevier Sciences, published